Your new powerful smart conversational management solution

Discover is the ultimate platform to create exceptional conversation experiences on your website with minimal effort.

A man with a beard smiling at the camera.A woman in a blue shirt is smiling.A man with a beard and a mustache.A man with a beard wearing a white shirt and black tie.A woman in a business suit posing for a picture.
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4.9/5 on 2K+ reviews
A cell phone with the text start a new chat with al buddy.
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Empowering conversations with AiBuddy

With these features, AIBuddy showcases its prowess in delivering intelligent, context-aware conversations that enhance customer experiences and boost engagement.

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Advanced natural language processing

Say goodbye to generic responses and provide personalized, relevant interactions.

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Get real-time analytics and insights

Make data-driven decisions to optimize your conversational strategy.

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Obtain seamless multilingual support

Provide outstanding customer support to all your diverse audience.

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AI Chatbot solution: driving success

Join the revolution with our cutting-edge AI-powered chatbot solution.

Try AiBuddy for free
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Sales conversions

Transform leads into loyal customers effortlessly.

Sales conversions

More than 10 000 customers already joined AiBuddy, and you?

Sales conversions

Save on operational expenses while enhancing service quality.

Sales conversions

We’re proud to be the best rated AI Chatbot company.

Trusted by satisfied customers

Discover the authentic experiences shared by our satisfied customers, attesting to the trustworthiness and efficiency of AIBuddy. We take immense pride in delivering reliable conversational solutions that empower businesses globally.

A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
A woman wearing a black jacket and a gray hoodie.

Sarah Johnson

Manager at XYZ Inc
With AIBuddy, language barriers are a thing of the past. Our chatbot seamlessly handles multiple languages.
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Ready to transform the way you engage with your audience?

Take the next step and connect with us. Whether you have questions about our plans, need assistance with integration, or simply want to explore the possibilities, our team is here to guide you.

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Natural Language Processing (NLP) integration.
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Personalized recommendations.
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Multi-channel integrations.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Unleash the power of AIBuddy: Elevate your user experience

AIBuddy is more than just a chatbot, it's your ultimate conversational ally. With our advanced natural language processing (NLP) technology.
Engage, assist, and convert with confidence as our platform intelligently understands user queries and provides contextually relevant responses.

Our offers

Pricing plans that scale

Simple, transparent pricing that grows with you. Try any plan free for 30 days.

Starter plan
Billed anually
Starter plan includes
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Access to basic features
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Basic reporting and analytics
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Up to 10 individual users
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20GB individual data for each user
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Basic chat and email support
Ultimate plan
One month free
Billed anually
Everything in Starter plus :
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Access to premium features
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Advanced reporting and analytics
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Up to 30 individual users
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100GB individual data for each user
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Premium chat and email support
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Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We have answers. Check out our FAQ section for quick insights into AIBuddy's features, functionality, and how it can revolutionize your conversational experiences.

How can I customize AIBuddy to match my brand's tone and voice?

Customizing AIBuddy to align with your brand's tone and voice is incredibly straightforward. Within the AIBuddy dashboard, you'll find an intuitive customization panel that allows you to adjust the chatbot's responses, greetings, and interactions.

Is AIBuddy compatible with popular website platforms like Webflow?

Customizing AIBuddy to align with your brand's tone and voice is incredibly straightforward. Within the AIBuddy dashboard, you'll find an intuitive customization panel that allows you to adjust the chatbot's responses, greetings, and interactions.

What analytics does AIBuddy provide for tracking performance and user engagement?

Customizing AIBuddy to align with your brand's tone and voice is incredibly straightforward. Within the AIBuddy dashboard, you'll find an intuitive customization panel that allows you to adjust the chatbot's responses, greetings, and interactions.

How does AIBuddy handle complex queries and maintain context in conversations?

Customizing AIBuddy to align with your brand's tone and voice is incredibly straightforward. Within the AIBuddy dashboard, you'll find an intuitive customization panel that allows you to adjust the chatbot's responses, greetings, and interactions.

No long-term contracts. No catches. Simple.
Start your 30-day free trial now. You can cancel anytime.
We will send you a link to try our product during one month.
Then you will be able to upgrade or stay free (forever).
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